UPDATE V0.8.5: Balancing Act

+Doom charges no longer bring you HP to 1 if you're HP is already less than 1

+Changed "Hit, React and Trick" for "Red, Blue and Green"

+Balance: Changed the final boss max HP to 500

+Balance: "Disarming Attack", "Grappling" and  "Leg Swipe" are now Green Cards, "Open The Final Door" now is a red one

+Buff: Now Inner Fury, Trickster and Reactive add 5 Power instead of 2
+Nerf: Changed Ethereal from 10 to 5

+Bugfix: The "Cloning" card now works as intended

+Bugfix: "Battle Scars" now register wounds you get after getting the passive, as intended

+Changed UI to better adapt to multiple resolutions

+Redesigned the Character Creator

+Reduced max height for tooltips

+Fixed typos


Tark HTML.zip Play in browser
Jul 03, 2021
Windows Version 73 MB
Jul 03, 2021
Linux Version 75 MB
Jul 03, 2021

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Healing from doom was a cool mechanic and I'm sad that it's gone. Also sad about the renaming, but probably just because I'm already used to the names; the new version will certainly be more beginner-friendly.  (now, if the bug where reloading the game randomly gets rid of all your boss passives, the backstory abilities other than keeper of secrets and multi-archetype options, and changes the color of fused cards was removed, that would be pretty sweet)

Working on that bug right now! Thanks for reporting it! :D